Get this:

So if you remember the backstory Splinter told his sons of Shredder killing his Master Yoshi in Season 1, my mind thought of something: what if Yoshi survived the attack in an alternate universe?

Picture this: Yoshi is still attacked and beaten but Shredder just massively injuries Yoshi through his blades cutting up his legs badly and then sets fire to his home to leave him dying. Using the last of his strength, Yoshi carries an unmutated Splinter to an open window to set him free. Splinter of course lands on trash bags as the original cartoon but we DON’T see Yoshi after the scene cuts from the rat landing on plastic. The audience and Splinter assumes Yoshi died in the flames.

However the show teases the idea Yoshi might be alive as a mysterious man that isn’t shown his full face visits some of the turtles aftermath solved crime scenes and some shots show him on crutches. There’s no dialogue to aid us the viewers until one fateful night involving some punks trying to shakedown an elderly man carrying groceries for his cash. The man holds his own just barely until one thug cheats and catches him off guard knocking him out. Luckily Splinter had been passing by and makes short work of him. Then he carefully turns over the unconscious man and his face is finally shown that he is…Master Yoshi! Cut to commercial

Splinter is shocked and staggers back in shock his Yoshi somehow survived! He just barely gets away but Yoshi catches a glimpse of him awakening from his conked head. Perhaps Splinter runs into a dead end alley and Yoshi corners him in shadows demanding he reveal himself just to say thanks for saving him. Of course Splinters reveal shocks Yoshi because an anthro rat carrying a cane and dressed in an old bathrobe isn’t normal. It’s only until Splinter reveals their history together from their Japanese place of origin, Tang Shen and immigration to America that Yoshi is open a little to believing his saviour is his original pet rat.

I think Yoshi surviving opens a ton of story ideas. Splinter can show him his sewer home and turtles that become fascinated meeting the legend that gave their master a home! They can bounce off each other, Catching up on all their missed time and perhaps a confrontation with Shredder and Karai spices things up? Especially if Yoshi reveals that Shredder tried to kill him and it puts Karai of course in a struggle to decided what path to take in life?

Can you see this Tat for a nice What If cartoon?

I think it's interesting. To my knowledge, the turtles have never met Hamato Yoshi in any of the "rat Splinter" iterations.

The turtles' destiny are tied to someone they've never even met before, so it would be satisfying for them to finally meet the man face to face. Maybe they could learn some new techniques from him?

I'd like to see this idea used for a later iteration.

    Tatoruzu you can see this working? It’s a concept I’m surprised no iteration has done.

    Considering the importance of the 2003 cartoon, a version of the turtles on that level can pull it off.

    Do you enjoy the idea of teasing his survival through clever camera angles that don’t fully show his face until that Splinter intervention? April even has a small contribution too!


      you can see this working?

      For sure. I think it would work. Maybe not as a long-running main character. But if it's just a brief appearance where he meets the turtles, teaches them new techniques, and then passes away, I think it would work. Could also give them some closure.

      Do you enjoy the idea of teasing his survival through clever camera angles that don’t fully show his face until that Splinter intervention?

      Yeah, that could work.

        Tatoruzu They can possibly keep him alive for the series if say he has a passion for travelling and longs to travel the world. Perhaps make that an arc that he wants to see more of the world aka something Thomas said in Thomas And The Trucks and the turtles, Splinter and April set aside cash from some episodes to assemble a trip budget.

        Thus he’s away a lot and therefore Splinter and the turtles can’t rely on him for extra help. It’s a nice change since he either dies or morphs into a rat from toxic chemicals from many versions. Allow Yoshi his own life that doesn’t rely on death or simple morphing