Can the Jason Aaron tmnt run save ninja turtles comics if Sophie Campbells run finally is over? Can his talents rescue a series that according to many dragged on too long on meaningless small stories from a battle of the bands, concert tickets and anything involving Sheena dating?
In the long run, yes, I think Jason Aaron's run could save the reputation of IDW TMNT if it continued on the trajectory its on now. However, that would take a long time, and I don't think IDW has that kind of time, sadly. Sophie Campbell has ruined IDW's reputation but IDW needs short-term solutions. It seems inevitable that they're going to have to cut TMNT.
I’m curious if IDW even hired writers to finally have Venus done right
I think Venus is done because of the events of issue #150. There should be no more Venus. For what it's worth, Sophie's Venus wasn't that bad, but by that point, she had already killed the run so nobody cared.
On another note regarding negativity towards Tatoruzu, a discord I’m in had some other turtles fans share the meme Tat created asking why some whine that Aprils race isn’t important and then asked for her to have it changed anyways. They for those select few think certain fans not onboard to changes and feeling mad April isn’t pretty in her newest incarnation might fall into:
A little of each
I've mentioned this before, but I think it's funny that any opposition to black April is labeled "racism." It's actually the opposite — changing April's race is what's racist.
The logic is simple:
If you think April's race doesn't matter, then what is the reason for changing April to black?
The only possible answer to that question is "because she's white and I don't want her to be white."
That's anti-white racism plain and simple.
Now, they've come up with all sorts of explanations and justifications for their racism like "it's for diversity and inclusion" or "nooo you can't be racist against whitey" — those are childish delusions.
There are a million different thought experiments you can use to debunk this "diversity and inclusion" nonsense. The truth is that "diversity and inclusion" is just codeword for anti-white. Nobody is saying that basketball teams, which are majority black, need more white people for diversity. Nobody is saying that black sitcoms on BET need more white people for diversity. Nobody is saying that Tyler Perry movies need more white people for diversity and inclusion.
No, it's not a matter of making sure that all people are represented in proportion to their population. It's not a matter of saying "well, black people are 13% of the population, so 13% of characters need to be black, and Asians are 6%..." and so on.
The only consideration for "diversity and inclusion" is "are there too many whites?" or "are there too many men?"
They are perfectly fine with an over-representation of any other group besides whites and men. Because the goal isn't "diversity" or "inclusion."
The goal is to erase white people.