Leonardo1984 Honestly, I can sympathize greatly on feeling like mutants are ironically oversaturated in TMNT. Granted, while I do believe that some adaptations have handled the concept better than others, I don't think that other mutants are really needed to make the world feel rich other than the original fearsome foursome. One of the most gripping parts of the original mirage universe is the existential dread that comes with the turtle's story, being the first and last of a doom sub-species and learning to come to peace with knowing that you could never pass on your legacy to another living creature (Ignoring what happens in Vol. 4 with Michelangelo) and just try to make something beautiful out of an impossible situation. Other mutants would seem just a tad much, so my philosophy is always quality over quantity, so Mirage has the monopoly for me when it comes to having the right amount of mutants to explore while keeping the turtle's in the lime-light.
TMNT 87 disregarded all that, for the sake of pursuing capital. Hell, there were a shit ton of original mutants made for the toy line that didn't even appear in the show itself and made having a complete collection quite the arduous task; looking at you, Scratch the Cat...Fuck it, anything for a dollar right? All that being said, I don't mind other mutants; I just think they should be used sparingly and with purpose.